Impeccable Conduct

For our company, it is vital that all our employees always behave in a legally and ethically appropriate manner. To this effect, our Compliance Officers work continuously on the development of a common understanding about impeccable conduct at MediaMarktSaturn and implementation of appropriate compliance-related processes. We call this Compliance Management System.

The aim of our Compliance Program is to encourage and ensure that the conduct of our workforce is legally and ethically correct. Based on our corporate values, we have developed a set of guidelines entitled ‘Code of Conduct’, which are binding on all employees of the MediaMarktSaturn. They constitute a compulsory framework for matters such as legal compliance, dealing with the competition, handling company information, anti-discrimination, conflict of interests and preventing corruption.

The guidelines are comprehensibly worded and available both as a hardcopy and electronically on the intranet. In addition, all our employees receive training on this and other relevant guidelines in the form of both classroom sessions and e-learning.

These guidelines are continuously adapted, giving our employees, customers and business partners the necessary legal and ethical security for their daily interaction. A few years ago, we launched international, broad-based compliance campaigns, which will be continued in the future.

As an essential component of the Compliance Management System, MediaMarktSaturn established a group-wide Compliance Reporting System. It can be used by all employees and external third parties to report observed compliance incidents.

Specific hints are important to detect potential compliance violations and to prevent future misconduct. In case of suspected compliance violations, we will gladly accept all information (see link "Compliance Reporting System" on the right). All reports are treated strictly confidential, on request also anonymously.

Please note that customer claims regarding products or services of MediaMarktSaturn will not be handled via the Compliance Reporting System.

Additional Information

In case of questions concerning our products or services, praise and criticism, please use the following e-mail address: