Responsibility for Suppliers

As Europe’s largest consumer electronics retailer, we aim to offer our customers the best products and services while being a responsible partner. Our product range includes branded products from world-renowned manufacturers as well as products from our own label company Imtron with the brands ok., KOENIC, PEAQ, Technostar and ISY. Behind all this there are long and complex supply chains with widely ramified global production, procurement and delivery networks. Particularly in the upstream impact stages, there are potential effects on people and the environment that are not always known. We want to create the greatest possible transparency and commitment in this area.

Strict standards for suppliers and our own brands

Along with other companies in the electronics industry, we’re a member of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA). The RBA works on uniform standards for social, environmental and ethical issues in the supply chain to improve supplier management in the industry over the long term. The supplier management of our own-brand company Imtron is based on the standards of the amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI). Both standards form an important basis for supplier relations and are anchored as a reference framework in the central purchasing guidelines.

We require our suppliers throughout the Group to comply with the Code of Conduct of the RBA, the amfori BSCI or equivalent. In this way, sustainability is integrated as a fixed component of our supplier contracts.

Clear guidelines and targets for our purchasing

Our purchasing guidelines, which apply to all employees, create binding and transparent minimum standards for all purchasing activities for both external brands and our own brands.

We have set ourselves clear targets and guidelines regarding our suppliers:

  • By 2023 we will audit 80% of the manufacturers supplying us for compliance with labor and human rights standards.

  • We will continue to conduct regular social audits of our own brands and intensify follow-up audits as well as the preparation and implementation of action plans with the production sites.

Our commitment to human rights

The MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group is Europe’s leading retailer of consumer electronics and related services. We see ourselves as a responsible partner, daily companion and navigator for our customers, suppliers and business partners. We’re well aware of our responsibilities toward our employees and society and know that, as an internationally active and well-known company, we must play our part in respecting and observing human rights. Our Statement of our Principles on Human Rights is intended to serve our employees, business partners and other stakeholders as a basis for their actions. It is intended to oblige the managers of the MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group to promote the observance of human rights and lead by example.