
"Your moment. Our technology": MediaMarkt and Saturn plead for more mindfulness on Valentine's Day

In their new campaign spot on the occasion of Valentine's Day, MediaMarkt and Saturn show that technology is good - but at the right moment. In parallel, accompanying product spots with current offers provide examples of how technology can create precious moments with loved ones. Ingolstadt, 9. Februar 2023: Die Beziehung zwischen Liebe und Technik kann kompliziert sein. Daher schlagen MediaMarkt und Saturn anlässlich des Valentinstags ruhigere Töne an: Die Augen kleben am Handy-Display, Gaming-Abenteuer fordern die volle Aufmerksamkeit, das perfekte Selfie ist wichtiger als die Begleitung – der neue Kampagnenspot mahnt zu einem achtsameren Umgang mit Technik im Alltag und appelliert für mehr Zeit für die Liebsten. Ab dem 13. Februar läuft der Spot im TV und Kino sowie online.

The relationship between love and technology can be complicated. That's why MediaMarkt and Saturn are striking calmer tones on the occasion of Valentine's Day: Eyes glued to the cell phone display, gaming adventures demanding full attention, the perfect selfie more important than companionship - the new campaign spot urges a more mindful approach to technology in everyday life and appeals for more time for loved ones. From February 13, the spot will run on TV and in cinemas, as well as online.

The TV spot to kick off Valentine's Day is very different from the familiar clips of the two electronics retailers. A slow narrative tempo and calm music create a melancholy mood. At the same time, the 45- or 60-second spot focuses on mindfulness and takes the "Let's Go" campaign theme to a new level.

"We're taking a new approach with our campaign on the occasion of Valentine's Day and we’re questioning what we offer. Technology can be distracting and disrupt harmonious togetherness," explains Michael Schuld, Chief Commercial & Marketing Officer of MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group. "This makes it all the more important to remain mindful and to use technical possibilities prudently. For the holiday of love, we want to set a highlight in brand communication with this campaign and call on people to take care of each other."

In accompanying 15-second product spots, MediaMarktSaturn shows how to do it right. Whether it's fireside romance with the new TV set or freshly brewed coffee by the bedside: thanks to more mindfulness for the people we care about, the balancing act between enthusiasm for technology and harmonious togetherness can be achieved.

Valentine's Day highlight products

Anyone who wants to create more romance with a TV fireplace or dimmable lighting in the living room will find highlight products at special prices at MediaMarkt and Saturn for Valentine's Day. From February 13 at 9 a.m. to February 28 at 8 p.m., technology must-haves are beckoning at sensational prices in the MediaMarkt online store and the Saturn online store. In the more than 400 MediaMarkt and Saturn stores nationwide, the promotion will also run from February 13 to 28.

In addition, myMediaMarkt customers and SATURN CARD customers will receive ten times the points or bits on all promotional items. By the way: If you are not yet a myMediaMarkt or SATURN CARD customer, you can register at or and get the extra benefits of the upcoming promotion right away.

Further information is available in time for the start of the campaign at

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MediaMarkt, Saturn
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